Step 1:  Click on the three dots 'More Menu' for the desired file.

Step 2:  From the dropdown, select 'Download' and choose between 'Download' and 'Download Original.'

Step 3:  Agree to the terms and conditions.

Step 4:  Check your downloads folder for the selected file. Click on the pop-up that should appear at the bottom of your screen.

Step 5:  This will open up the downloaded file in a new tab. Click on the 'Print' icon.  

Step 6:  Specify desired printing conditions. Click 'Print.'


There are 2 options for printing files off the files screen:

Option 1

Step 1: Open a document and click on the menu in the top left corner.

Step 2:  From the dropdown, select 'Print.'

Step 3:  Specify 'Print with annotations' or 'Print without annotations.'

Step 4:  Specify desired printing conditions. Click 'Print.'

Option 2

Step 1:  Click on the 'Print/Download' icon in the top right corner.

Step 2:  Agree to the terms and conditions.

Step 3:  Check your downloads folder for the selected file. Click on the pop-up that should appear at the bottom of your screen.

Step 4:  This will open up the downloaded file in a new tab. Click on the 'Print' icon.  

Step 5:  Specify desired printing conditions. Click 'Print.'

NOTE:  If the print option is not in the dropdown, request print permissions from the sender.