The receiver will be sent an email notifying them that they have received a new file in Embershot, with a link to view the file and details regarding when the file will expire (if it is set to expire). 

If they are new to Embershot the email will look like this:

Subsequent emails will look like this:

When they get the email, they must click on the "View" to view the file.

If they have never received a file on Embershot or the receiver of the file does not have an account set up already, a new account will be set up for them automatically when you send them the file. They will be prompted to set up a password the first time they log in. 

If for some reason they are not prompted, (i.e. they had an account from before and forgot, or they clicked on the "Click here to view" multiple times), they will be brought to the login page. These users can click "Forgot password?" to reset their password. 

If it is the first time they are logging into Embershot they will need to accept Term & Conditions.

Once terms are accepted they can click the file to view. 

The file opens in the viewer.

Note: Users must log in with the exact email address you sent the file to, otherwise they will get a "This file is not available" message if they log in with a different account.

If they have already opened the file: The receiver will be prompted to enter their password and then be redirected to the file. If the user forgot their password they can simply click "Forgot?" to reset their password.